My whole adult life has been a huge testing of my faith, and I know many can relate. My hubby and I have had so many opportunities, visions of hope, and chances for breakthrough dangled in front of us only to lose them at the last second. It can be quite disheartening. It can be exhausting. It can even bring one to their breaking point.
I began to feel "not good enough" for even some of the normal things in life that people often take for granted. I began to feel as if I was being punished for some horrible sin or that I just wasn't meant to have what I viewed as a "normal" life. I felt as if struggle... in many areas.... was the card I was dealt and there was nothing I could do about it. Of course, the fighter in me chose to cling to that last bit of hope that God would truly bring us through our many situations that brought us worry and pain.
If you've been following my blog, you know I went through a good bout of depression not too long ago. I tear up just thinking of that time. The hopelessness, the agony, the guilt, the darkness. I didn't think I'd ever see a truly happy day again. I saw tiny glimpses of hope, only to fall back into that darkness once again. Happiness was always just out of reach. But I have a God who knew better. I have a God who saw exactly when enough was enough and He rescued me from that pit of despair. I am around the corner now. I am happy and loving life... truly loving life.
That darkness sometimes tries to pry its way in to my soul to this day, but I have been set free, so all I have to do is stomp on that horror and continue on my merry way. I've had a few bad moments here and there, but I cling so tightly to the knowledge that it doesn't have to be that way. I remember that feeling of gasping for my first breath of fresh air as the Lord pulled me from those black waters. That, and my family are the driving force that keep me from falling all the way back down to where I used to be. I am so thankful!
For years, I felt insecure in my marriage. Not because of what Jeff did, but because of my actions, my words, my imperfections. While I realize that he isn't perfect either, I also am very aware that I was the cause of so many of the problems that surfaced over the years. I'd cry out to God, asking Him to change me, asking Him to strengthen our marriage to the point that I had no insecurities about our future, or lack thereof. There were so many times where I thought I did it. I broke him. He'll never stay with me now. And I would die a little inside.
I wanted that strong marriage I envisioned as a girl. The one my parents lived out. I didn't realize how much work it took to have that, or that it takes time, history, lessons, persistence to get to that point. A strong marriage was always just out of reach for us. Am I ever glad Jeff and I battled on, together, despite our disagreements and times of trouble, because we've rounded that corner. I feel safe and secure in my marriage now. While our relationship is far from perfect, it is solid, and what an amazing feeling that is! I am so honored to be Jeff's wife. I am so humbled that he would choose to walk through this life with me, flaws and all. I am so proud that he is the father of my children. I am so thankful that God has been holding us in His hands this entire time.
Financial burden is a heavy load to carry. We've had our ups and downs over the years, but we never really felt secure. We've always made it through tough times, thanks to various people and situations that would arise. We have never gone without. That being said, living paycheck to paycheck is a bear! There were very few times we had money left over at the end of the month.
God has really worked in me, showing me how to become frugal, and actually enjoy a simple life... to the point that I don't really want to complicate it even when the funds are there. At first, it was out of necessity. I needed to humble myself and allow God to show me how to stretch our money in ways I never thought possible. It has been one of the most exhausting, beneficial, blessed experiences and I wouldn't change it for the world. We've finally rounded a corner financially. We've finally come to the point that all that stretching won't be necessary (even though I'm hooked and will continue to stretch away to get the most bang for my buck). It is an amazing feeling!
What started as an attempt to naturally boost my family's health through essential oils has become a business that has blessed us financially, beyond my greatest expectations. I wanted nothing to do with the business side of it all. I'd been there, done that with makeup, jewelry, health shakes, and more... and each time it felt like more of a financial obligation than the paycheck would cover. This was different. This came so easily... so naturally. I talked about how wonderful the oils were for us, and how much I adore them, and the business just came to me. I get to help my friends and loved ones discover the gift of essential oils like I did, without pressuring anyone or pitching any sales. I am part of a team who genuinely cares about me, and about everyone who takes that leap of faith. I have been blessed beyond the financial... I have been blessed with friendships and experiences I will forever cherish. Jeff and I have finally rounded that corner we've been staring down our entire married lives. I'm still trying to adjust to the lack of weight on my shoulders, but I'm sure I'll get used to it in no time. ;)
I share these somewhat intimate stories with you to encourage you. While the growing pains, sleepless nights, and endless tears seemed too much to bear at times, I now see that I was meant to walk through these tough times and carve out a new path for myself. Without these experiences, I might lack true compassion for others going through similar situations. Without these experiences, I might not appreciate the goodness that came from them. Without these experiences, I might not give God all the glory He deserves.
If you are struggling in any way today, don't lose hope! Your "just around the corner" is much nearer than you think. Sometimes it takes years of hardship to pull through. Sometimes months, weeks, or even days. What feels like an eternity will be but a blip once God opens up that roadblock and you turn that corner to bigger and better things. Remember when you get there to never forget where you've been. When you get there, remember who brought you out of your despair. When you get there, be that strong shoulder and understanding friend to those who are right where you used to be.
We all go through some really cruddy stuff in life. It is hard, it is rough, but when we look to God and keep our faith, it makes walking those winding, bumpy paths a bit more bearable. I believe the struggles we go through are meant to sharpen our faith and give us a new appreciation for the GOOD God has for us. I believe that it is our duty to be that voice of encouragement to those who are struggling, because we know exactly how they feel.
I realize I'll have many more "corners" to turn, many more challenges as life goes on, but I've had enough (many many more than mentioned here) to finally grasp that pattern and realize goodness, redemption, and blessings are always just around the corner. Hold to hope. Don't let it go! Soon enough, you will reach those blessings and breathe that sigh of great relief. Oh, what an amazing day that will be!
Love and hugs,
Grab a cup of coffee, and join me on this quest to explore the big things and little things in life: the things that grasp our hearts.
~Our Family~

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
November Pinterest Day(s)
So today was supposed to be our big November Pinterest Day. The thing is, we've been passing around a fun little virus for the past week or so and this is the first day we all feel somewhat functional. We don't get sick like this... we haven't in a long time. It's been quite challenging, but now that we're past it (knock on wood) we can breathe a sigh of relief and move on with our lives.
I decided that because we took an entire week off of school last week, we really couldn't afford to waste any more time and had to dig in to our lessons today. That, and, this mama was too covered in blankets to make it to the store for our supplies yesterday. But you know, that's life. Anyway, I had the brilliant idea of breaking up our Pinterest Day this month. We'll do a couple activities a week throughout the entire month so that we can do all the fun activities we planned without the hassle of fitting it all into one busy day.
I will attach links for each individual activity we're looking forward to enjoying, as well as a link to the November Pinterest Day 2014 board... well... for that, just click here. As you will see, we went with the turkey/Thanksgiving theme for this month. Why not? As we do our activities, I'll post pictures on my Facebook Page so you can see my cutie pie kids and what not. :)
I decided that because we took an entire week off of school last week, we really couldn't afford to waste any more time and had to dig in to our lessons today. That, and, this mama was too covered in blankets to make it to the store for our supplies yesterday. But you know, that's life. Anyway, I had the brilliant idea of breaking up our Pinterest Day this month. We'll do a couple activities a week throughout the entire month so that we can do all the fun activities we planned without the hassle of fitting it all into one busy day.
I will attach links for each individual activity we're looking forward to enjoying, as well as a link to the November Pinterest Day 2014 board... well... for that, just click here. As you will see, we went with the turkey/Thanksgiving theme for this month. Why not? As we do our activities, I'll post pictures on my Facebook Page so you can see my cutie pie kids and what not. :)
November Pinterest Day 2014 Links
To get us out of the house and on the move.
So there's a recipe for homemade butter at the top of this post. Looks delish, but that's a bonus to the activity we're planning on using. Scroll down to find the printable for this. Looks like fun!
I plan on printing the colorful Thanksgiving Jokes page and cutting each joke out individually for the kids to take turns reading to the rest of us. They need a bit of "public" speaking practice... why not make it fun? and funny? :)
My two younger kids LOVE color by number sheets. This is for them.
For my oldest two.
My kids like to color... and so do I. I'm particularly fond of the pictures with verses.
As if we didn't eat enough sweets on Halloween. This brings a little salt into the mix. Fun, quick, easy. What's not to love?
This will be a fun family project.
My kids love paint and googly eyes. This should satisfy their artsy wishes. *Note: I have no idea what the link has to do with the art project. I'm just using the picture on Pinterest. Pretty obvious what needs to be done anyway. :)
Everything is simple, fun, and festive. November should be a great month for us! Don't forget... pictures to come on my Facebook Page. Be sure to "like" the page to keep up with all my posts.
Happy Pinteresting to all!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Importance of Family
I'm noticing more and more the decline of respect for the sanctity of marriage and family in today's society. It saddens me. It really does. I would bend over backwards for my family... I would die for my family.
Cheating is so common that people barely bat a lash when they hear of it. Women throw themselves at married men without a second thought... and vice versa. Children are hurt through the selfishness of their parents, or the sheer neglect to see that something might be going on with their child. People live for the moment with no regard for the consequences.
Don't get me wrong, I am more than aware of my faults as a wife and mother, but you bet your bottom dollar that all of Hell could not contain my fury if the safety of my family unit was compromised in any way. I will work hard to be sure nothing comes between my marriage... even if that means I have to admit my faults and make serious changes in my own habits, for the sake of showing respect to my husband. I will work equally as hard to protect my children from the deceitful thoughts or harmful circumstances that could be thrown their way.
Please don't take this as an attack on you if your family has been broken in some way. My heart in all of this is that I'd like us all to realize we really need to take a step back and see how our actions are affecting our families. If the things I do support my family as a whole, I will keep on keeping on. If the path I take is detrimental or threatening or even remotely taking anything from my family, I need to drop it, and fast.
We're all trying to get ahead in this life. We're all trying to pursue our dreams, but at what expense? If we become so self involved, it opens us up to a whole new world of temptation and hurt. If we live for ourselves first, and for our families second, our loved ones get thrown by the wayside while we, often unknowingly, scar them beyond belief... and eventually hurt ourselves with an abundance of guilt, regret, and loneliness.
Some think I'm one of those crazy moms who shelters her children and puts too much of herself into her marriage and family. If that's what you want to think, so be it. I'm fine with being crazy if that means my kids can be kids for as long as possible while watching their parents tackle life together as a team. I'm fine with being crazy if that means that I can fall asleep at the end of the day knowing my family is loved and secure. I'm fine with being crazy if that means the vows my husband and I made to each other stand until death parts us. I'm fine with being crazy if that means I can come to God when things are bad, unashamed, and allow Him to heal me, forgive me, pat me on the back, and beam with pride at my passion for the beautiful people He has blessed me with.
I am so laid back with people. I can see past their flaws and love them anyway. I can put up with a lot for the sake of showing love and compassion to those I interact with. I try to be kind and peaceful and forgiving. I try to let go of the things that annoy or hurt me, but I have a line... a line that is dangerous to cross. Anyone who dares to cross that line is playing with much more than fire. Threaten my family, you'll see what I mean... But for the sake of my desire to be sweet and smiley and friendly, and for the sake of your well-being, I pray you never come close to crossing that line.
If your husband or wife share my sentiment, consider yourself blessed. If you share my sentiment, your family is in good hands. I pray more and more people come to realize the importance of family. I pray that they can open their hearts to what the Lord has to say to them so that when red flags arise, they can be put to rest before any real threats hurt their family.
I'm going to fight for my family to the death. I'm going to set aside those dreams that might get in the way of our well being, and revisit them, only when it works for our family as a unit. I'm going to cut ties with anyone who would threaten our family in any way. I'll continue to take pride in the gifts God has given me, because I know how easily they can be taken away. God didn't bless me with my amazing husband and incredible children for me to throw them away. He blessed me with them, trusts me with them so that we can go through this life together, with Him. I refuse to give that up for anything or anyone.
Cheating is so common that people barely bat a lash when they hear of it. Women throw themselves at married men without a second thought... and vice versa. Children are hurt through the selfishness of their parents, or the sheer neglect to see that something might be going on with their child. People live for the moment with no regard for the consequences.
Don't get me wrong, I am more than aware of my faults as a wife and mother, but you bet your bottom dollar that all of Hell could not contain my fury if the safety of my family unit was compromised in any way. I will work hard to be sure nothing comes between my marriage... even if that means I have to admit my faults and make serious changes in my own habits, for the sake of showing respect to my husband. I will work equally as hard to protect my children from the deceitful thoughts or harmful circumstances that could be thrown their way.
Please don't take this as an attack on you if your family has been broken in some way. My heart in all of this is that I'd like us all to realize we really need to take a step back and see how our actions are affecting our families. If the things I do support my family as a whole, I will keep on keeping on. If the path I take is detrimental or threatening or even remotely taking anything from my family, I need to drop it, and fast.
We're all trying to get ahead in this life. We're all trying to pursue our dreams, but at what expense? If we become so self involved, it opens us up to a whole new world of temptation and hurt. If we live for ourselves first, and for our families second, our loved ones get thrown by the wayside while we, often unknowingly, scar them beyond belief... and eventually hurt ourselves with an abundance of guilt, regret, and loneliness.
Some think I'm one of those crazy moms who shelters her children and puts too much of herself into her marriage and family. If that's what you want to think, so be it. I'm fine with being crazy if that means my kids can be kids for as long as possible while watching their parents tackle life together as a team. I'm fine with being crazy if that means that I can fall asleep at the end of the day knowing my family is loved and secure. I'm fine with being crazy if that means the vows my husband and I made to each other stand until death parts us. I'm fine with being crazy if that means I can come to God when things are bad, unashamed, and allow Him to heal me, forgive me, pat me on the back, and beam with pride at my passion for the beautiful people He has blessed me with.
I am so laid back with people. I can see past their flaws and love them anyway. I can put up with a lot for the sake of showing love and compassion to those I interact with. I try to be kind and peaceful and forgiving. I try to let go of the things that annoy or hurt me, but I have a line... a line that is dangerous to cross. Anyone who dares to cross that line is playing with much more than fire. Threaten my family, you'll see what I mean... But for the sake of my desire to be sweet and smiley and friendly, and for the sake of your well-being, I pray you never come close to crossing that line.
If your husband or wife share my sentiment, consider yourself blessed. If you share my sentiment, your family is in good hands. I pray more and more people come to realize the importance of family. I pray that they can open their hearts to what the Lord has to say to them so that when red flags arise, they can be put to rest before any real threats hurt their family.
I'm going to fight for my family to the death. I'm going to set aside those dreams that might get in the way of our well being, and revisit them, only when it works for our family as a unit. I'm going to cut ties with anyone who would threaten our family in any way. I'll continue to take pride in the gifts God has given me, because I know how easily they can be taken away. God didn't bless me with my amazing husband and incredible children for me to throw them away. He blessed me with them, trusts me with them so that we can go through this life together, with Him. I refuse to give that up for anything or anyone.
Monday, October 20, 2014
In His Hands
Lately life seems to be bombarding my hubby and I with stressful situations. Being in my third trimester, with my ever increasing hormone-induced cry sessions probably doesn't help the matter.
I'm sure anyone reading this can relate to the stresses of life. They sure can bog you down, test your faith, and wreak havoc, if you let them.
The Lord showed Himself many times throughout our struggles over the years. Sometimes we completely miss it, but on days like today, He made sure I knew He has this.
I've cried a lot lately. I've spent more time than I care to admit worrying about important things... but really little things when you think of the size of our God. I let the fear of the future, the fear of failure, the fear of the unknown sink its ugly claws into my spirit and while parts of me fought against this fear, much of me was ready to throw in the towel.
Today, God showed me just how powerful He is. He showed me just how much He loves me and that I need not worry about any of this. I am His and He will provide for me, shelter me, nourish me, and love on me through it all. He will make sure my needs are met, not because of anything I've done, but because I am HIS.
This morning, I cried because of powerful words that spoke to me through a message from a friend. Later, I let that fear take hold, and I had to fight back those dreaded tears of worry. It was almost as if God's first attempt was wiped from my memory. He wasn't having that, so He showed me again, tonight, through His provision, that He has this. He's always had everything under control. I just couldn't see it through those fears. I couldn't see it through my worry-filled tears. So when He showed Himself for a second time today... in a way that was slightly louder than the first, I wept tears of joy and relief.
He has been here all along. He will always be here. How often I forget that I'm not alone. How often I forget that Jeff and I are walking through this life under His wing. How patient He is for picking us up, brushing us off, and helping us navigate the course time and time again.
If you are anything like me... if you have forgotten just Who holds you in His hands, because of worry, fear, heartache, or times of trouble, please hear me when I say that God HAS you. He's holding you right now. He knows the plans He has for you... and His plans are for your good. His joy is your joy. His peace is your peace.
I don't know how long our time is here on this earth, but I do know this... no matter how far the journey, no matter how many obstacles we face in this life, He is ALWAYS here. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us. Yes, life can be so hard. Horrible things can happen. But our God makes beauty from ashes. He makes all things new. Rest in that tonight.
Oh, the sweet sleep I'll enjoy, now that I've opened my eyes to the power of the One who loves me. A lesson learned time and time again, but it is always as new and encouraging as ever. I pray sweet sleep over you too, friend. Open your heart to the Lord and allow Him to show you that everything will be okay, because He desires that for you. Open your hands to His blessings, and remember what He does for you, so you can be of great value and encouragement to another who might need to hear of your victories.
I'm sure anyone reading this can relate to the stresses of life. They sure can bog you down, test your faith, and wreak havoc, if you let them.
The Lord showed Himself many times throughout our struggles over the years. Sometimes we completely miss it, but on days like today, He made sure I knew He has this.
I've cried a lot lately. I've spent more time than I care to admit worrying about important things... but really little things when you think of the size of our God. I let the fear of the future, the fear of failure, the fear of the unknown sink its ugly claws into my spirit and while parts of me fought against this fear, much of me was ready to throw in the towel.
Today, God showed me just how powerful He is. He showed me just how much He loves me and that I need not worry about any of this. I am His and He will provide for me, shelter me, nourish me, and love on me through it all. He will make sure my needs are met, not because of anything I've done, but because I am HIS.
This morning, I cried because of powerful words that spoke to me through a message from a friend. Later, I let that fear take hold, and I had to fight back those dreaded tears of worry. It was almost as if God's first attempt was wiped from my memory. He wasn't having that, so He showed me again, tonight, through His provision, that He has this. He's always had everything under control. I just couldn't see it through those fears. I couldn't see it through my worry-filled tears. So when He showed Himself for a second time today... in a way that was slightly louder than the first, I wept tears of joy and relief.
He has been here all along. He will always be here. How often I forget that I'm not alone. How often I forget that Jeff and I are walking through this life under His wing. How patient He is for picking us up, brushing us off, and helping us navigate the course time and time again.
If you are anything like me... if you have forgotten just Who holds you in His hands, because of worry, fear, heartache, or times of trouble, please hear me when I say that God HAS you. He's holding you right now. He knows the plans He has for you... and His plans are for your good. His joy is your joy. His peace is your peace.
I don't know how long our time is here on this earth, but I do know this... no matter how far the journey, no matter how many obstacles we face in this life, He is ALWAYS here. He will never leave us. He will never forsake us. Yes, life can be so hard. Horrible things can happen. But our God makes beauty from ashes. He makes all things new. Rest in that tonight.
Oh, the sweet sleep I'll enjoy, now that I've opened my eyes to the power of the One who loves me. A lesson learned time and time again, but it is always as new and encouraging as ever. I pray sweet sleep over you too, friend. Open your heart to the Lord and allow Him to show you that everything will be okay, because He desires that for you. Open your hands to His blessings, and remember what He does for you, so you can be of great value and encouragement to another who might need to hear of your victories.
Monday, October 6, 2014
October Pinterest Day 2014
We had our first official Pinterest Day of the 2014/2015 School Year today. I learned some lessons that I won't soon forget, the kids had a ton of fun, mommy was crazy hormonal, but overall, it was a pretty good time.
First of all, I made a change that I may scrap next time around. Normally, we have a half day of school. We do family devotions, math, and language arts before skipping everything else to have our Pinterest Day. Today, the genius that I can be, decided to do a full day of school on top of our Pinterest activities. Let's just say, my head and my pillow will have a long-awaited, much appreciated meeting tonight.
Another slight change I might make next month is the amount of activities we do. I didn't account for the playtime with many of these, or the eating of things, or the little distractions along the way, so I totally crammed way too much into one day. It is now the kids' bedtime, and they just finished up for the night. Hey, they aren't complaining, but my pregnant aching back is giving me a good scolding.
If you'd like to check out everything we did in one place, you can follow this link to my October Pinterest Day 2014 Pinterest Board. (click on the highlighted words) If you'd like to see specific activities, click on the highlighted links for each one.
So, without further adieu, I give you October Fall Everything Pinterest Day 2014...
1. Dissolving Pumpkins
First of all, I made a change that I may scrap next time around. Normally, we have a half day of school. We do family devotions, math, and language arts before skipping everything else to have our Pinterest Day. Today, the genius that I can be, decided to do a full day of school on top of our Pinterest activities. Let's just say, my head and my pillow will have a long-awaited, much appreciated meeting tonight.
Another slight change I might make next month is the amount of activities we do. I didn't account for the playtime with many of these, or the eating of things, or the little distractions along the way, so I totally crammed way too much into one day. It is now the kids' bedtime, and they just finished up for the night. Hey, they aren't complaining, but my pregnant aching back is giving me a good scolding.
If you'd like to check out everything we did in one place, you can follow this link to my October Pinterest Day 2014 Pinterest Board. (click on the highlighted words) If you'd like to see specific activities, click on the highlighted links for each one.
Here are 3 of my 4 kids gathering supplies for our big day. KayKay decided to boycott the picture.
So, without further adieu, I give you October Fall Everything Pinterest Day 2014...
1. Dissolving Pumpkins
Follow the link to see how to go about playing this activity out. We had a lot of fun with it! I'll spare you the details via written word and show you a couple pictures of our results. :)
We printed off the blank worksheets and I had the kids draw in the pictures. They seemed to enjoy this. We also discussed the Life Cycle of an Apple a little bit, but didn't do any of the activities this link provides. Thank goodness, because we'd still be going about our day right now!
This is a great recipe that calls for natural dyes (of which we didn't use.... cue gasps!). It smelled so good. We used cinnamon rather than pumpkin spice, and I plan on doing this again around Christmas time. The kids adored this playdough. They literally played with it for hours today. Hours and hours. Maybe I'll make it once a month. It made for a great babysitter while I cleaned up the numerous messes we made in the kitchen. Here are some more pictures of the kids...
Who doesn't love a good leaf rubbing? This link gets into the science of things a bit. It was neat. It was our first shot at doing this with aluminum foil as well. The kids loved it, this took minimal time, and now I have colorful leaves to cut out and hang around the house. Here's a pic of a couple of the kids' attempts. It's hard to see the leaves on the tinfoil in the picture, but it turned out really cool!
At this point, we had to take a break to eat dinner. Here's a picture... and a link, for the curious cats who just have to know what we ate...
Kayleigh was in charge of this one. She put everything in one box and blindfolded the younger kids to have them feel and "see" if they knew what they were touching. I think they had fun.... I couldn't be sure.... I wasn't in the room at the time. ;) Sorry, no cute, but completely out of focus pic for this one.
Last, but certainly not least, the (as Uncle Jesse would say) "Lord Have MERCY!" deliciously good Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow. We used Ghirardelli white chocolate, because our local grocery store didn't carry the orange candy melts, so this ended up looking a bit more like the literal dog food Puppy Chow, and a lot less Pumpkin Spice, but after throwing some candy corn in the mix, this quickly became a family favorite.
The end result??
Happy kids eating a terribly bad for you, but oh, so yummy bedtime snack.
One spazzed out, exhausted mother.
Here's to next month....
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Menu: Week 3
Hi all,
I apologize for the huge gap in our menu posts. They'll most likely be pretty sporadic from here on out anyway. We've got some great dinner plans this week, so I thought I'd share with you, in case you're racking your brain for meal ideas for your family. Enjoy!
I apologize for the huge gap in our menu posts. They'll most likely be pretty sporadic from here on out anyway. We've got some great dinner plans this week, so I thought I'd share with you, in case you're racking your brain for meal ideas for your family. Enjoy!
Terry Family Menu: Week 3
Hubby's Delectable Reuben Sandwich
Breakfast Options:
*Lately, breakfast has been a free-for-all. We try to have a few options, and always encourage getting some fruit into the kids. :)
~Fresh Fruit
~Fruit Smoothies
Lunch Options:
*Fresh fruit and/or veggies always served on the side.
~Cheese & Veggie Platter
*Hot veggies or side salad served with every meal. Click on highlighted meals for a link to the recipe. Those that aren't highlighted are thrown together by Jeff or I, but great recipes can be found for those on Pinterest.
~Hubby's Reuben Sandwiches (corned beef, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, & Thousand Island dressing on rye bread), fries, salad
~Buffalo Chicken Pasta, salad
~Creamy Baked Spaghetti, hot veggies
~Cheesy Vegetable Chowder, bread
~Roast in the Crockpot with carrots, potatoes, onions, and celery.
Snack Options:
~veggies & dip
~cheese (cottage, cheddar, colby)
~Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow (we are making this as part of our Homeschool Pinterest Day on Monday!)
Lots of great comfort food this week, easy to follow recipes, and meals sure to please the entire family. As always, we keep it fairly simple, but we rarely hear complaints from our minions. ;)
Until next time....
Saturday, September 27, 2014
What I Got Out of the 100 Happy Days Challenge
If you're on Facebook at all, you must have come across a hashtag such as this: #100happydays. If you don't know what it is, let me explain. There is a challenge we can choose to accept called just that, "100 Happy Days." You post a status/picture every day about something that makes you happy. The beauty of the challenge is that you are encouraged to dig deep and find something, anything that brings you happiness, even when you normally wouldn't see it. If you'd like to know more, or to sign up for the challenge check out
So as I'm quickly approaching the last day of my own challenge, I'd like to reflect a bit. I missed a couple days here and there, due to hormones or neglect of some sort. ;) But for the most part, I posted a picture or status every day. While I didn't have any grand epiphanies, I did see what is at the forefront of my happiness.... what typically brings a smile to my face. My number one subject to post on was my family. That's fairly obvious. I can't help myself. I love my hubby and kids more than anything, so of course they make me happy. They can drive me absolutely bonkers at times (as I do them), but they have my heart and soul.
Aside from family and friends, I realized that the simple things in life are what make me happy. Getting out of the house now and then... being home... doing my nails... good food... sunshine... Jesus... all those little things that add up to be one big ball of happiness.
I have to admit, there were quite a few days (especially considering the hormones flowing through my body) that I really struggled to find my "happy" for my post. The thing that I loved about committing to this challenge is that I was forced to find something, anything that could brighten my day in some way. It helped to direct my attention from my troubles, my stresses, my fatigue, and really find something to be thankful for.
While I don't feel my life has changed by leaps and bounds in doing this, I am truly grateful that I took that step and challenged myself in this way. Pregnancy is a fickle thing. It's so easy to be grumpy and negative in this season. I believe this had a hand in keeping my outlook on life in check. Without my faith, my family, and yes, even this challenge, who knows how this pregnancy could have gone so far.
The challenge is over for me, but the appreciation of the little things isn't. It's almost automatic... to search for the happy now. To me, that was worth those 100 days and more. I highly recommend this challenge. It is a simple way to bring a smile to your face every day, and to encourage others to look for their happy.
What makes you happy?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
How the Robin Williams Tragedy Hits Close to Home
Sometimes the people who seem the happiest on the outside are absolutely tormented on the inside. Robin Williams is just one example of a person such as this. His death has impacted me more than I let on. I actually wanted to avoid talking about it altogether, because it has stirred up a lot of emotions in me, and a lot of reminders of my not-to-distant past.
For those of you who do not know me well, and for those who are new to my blog, I suffered from severe depression. Depression that almost ruined my marriage. Depression that wrapped its ugly fingers around my very core. Depression that could have, and came very close to a similar end result as Mr. Williams' had it not been for my lifelong relationship with the Lord and those people who fought so hard for me. Not many knew about my depression... and only a couple knew about my fleeting thoughts of suicide. This issue is a very real, very scary, extremely embarrassing, often invisible fight. It took a lot for me to write about it last year, and it still scares the snot out of me to write about it today, but now that I'm in a place where life is livable again, and I feel true joy and peace, I need to speak up. I need others to know they are not alone and that they are not horrible people for going through this. Here are two of my previous blogs on depression, if you'd like to read them: the first is my story and a bit on how to approach a loved one who is going through such a difficult mindset: A Glimmer of Hope. The second is a sort of update/bit of encouragement, and a look into how I personally found my way out: There Is Hope.
People often like to blame a person and the way they live their life for their depression. While choices can absolutely affect the degree of one's depression, it is incredibly important that you NOT start pointing the finger and try to fix them when you have no clue what they are going through. Many people experience depression at some point in their life.... depression can be brought on by life's circumstances. BUT in this instance (I believe), and in my circumstance, it is a lifelong battle, whether the depression is felt at all times or not. I will not have someone tell me I'm living my life the wrong way, so I had it coming. My life is wonderful, my circumstances are pretty ideal.... I love Jesus with all my heart, I have a solid marriage, I put so much into my kids..... so to tell me that it is my fault... or to tell another that it is their fault that they suffer is infuriating to me. Don't do it. Each case of depression is different from the next. The best thing we can do to help our loved ones is to be there for them, to pray for them, to bring as much joy into their lives as possible. Leave the condemnation, the unsolicited advice, and the finger pointing at the door. All of that can cause so much more damage than has already been done. A depressed person feels enough guilt as it is; we don't need to add more kindling to the fire.
If you are suffering from depression, know that I feel so deeply for you. I understand what that feels like, even if I'm not in your exact situation. I pray for you, my heart aches for you, and I am here for you, however you need me to be. Knowing Jesus, finding support in loved ones, and doing your best to climb out of this is all wonderful... but please don't beat yourself up when you find that these relationships and efforts don't always envelop you in light and joy. When you find those moments of peace, enjoy them to the fullest, and figure out what you've been doing and how you can continue to feel at ease. This fight is an uphill battle, but you can get through this. Remember that there are people who love and pray for you, even if you don't see them. I say all this, not as advice, because what works for me may not work for you.... but I say this to encourage you, to show you that there are ways to enjoy life again; you just have to find them. I have faith that you will! I look forward to hearing your success story, and I encourage you to share with others who may be hurting, so they may be inspired to find the light at the end of their tunnels.
One more thing.... and I stress this! Suicide is NEVER the answer. There is always hope, even when you can't see it. Don't be too ashamed to reach out for help. Find a loved one, a pastor, call a hotline.... do whatever you can to find value in your life. You ARE valuable, you ARE worthy of living a life of happiness, you ARE an important part of society, and you WOULD ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT DOUBT, be INCREDIBLY missed if you chose to end your life. So please, if you've gotten to the point of what you feel to be no return, please, please, please seek help. Each life is too precious, too fragile, too valuable to throw away.... don't let the darkness swallow you whole. Don't let it win. Choose LIFE. <3
Rest in peace, dear Robin. You were loved by many. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
For those of you who do not know me well, and for those who are new to my blog, I suffered from severe depression. Depression that almost ruined my marriage. Depression that wrapped its ugly fingers around my very core. Depression that could have, and came very close to a similar end result as Mr. Williams' had it not been for my lifelong relationship with the Lord and those people who fought so hard for me. Not many knew about my depression... and only a couple knew about my fleeting thoughts of suicide. This issue is a very real, very scary, extremely embarrassing, often invisible fight. It took a lot for me to write about it last year, and it still scares the snot out of me to write about it today, but now that I'm in a place where life is livable again, and I feel true joy and peace, I need to speak up. I need others to know they are not alone and that they are not horrible people for going through this. Here are two of my previous blogs on depression, if you'd like to read them: the first is my story and a bit on how to approach a loved one who is going through such a difficult mindset: A Glimmer of Hope. The second is a sort of update/bit of encouragement, and a look into how I personally found my way out: There Is Hope.
People often like to blame a person and the way they live their life for their depression. While choices can absolutely affect the degree of one's depression, it is incredibly important that you NOT start pointing the finger and try to fix them when you have no clue what they are going through. Many people experience depression at some point in their life.... depression can be brought on by life's circumstances. BUT in this instance (I believe), and in my circumstance, it is a lifelong battle, whether the depression is felt at all times or not. I will not have someone tell me I'm living my life the wrong way, so I had it coming. My life is wonderful, my circumstances are pretty ideal.... I love Jesus with all my heart, I have a solid marriage, I put so much into my kids..... so to tell me that it is my fault... or to tell another that it is their fault that they suffer is infuriating to me. Don't do it. Each case of depression is different from the next. The best thing we can do to help our loved ones is to be there for them, to pray for them, to bring as much joy into their lives as possible. Leave the condemnation, the unsolicited advice, and the finger pointing at the door. All of that can cause so much more damage than has already been done. A depressed person feels enough guilt as it is; we don't need to add more kindling to the fire.
If you are suffering from depression, know that I feel so deeply for you. I understand what that feels like, even if I'm not in your exact situation. I pray for you, my heart aches for you, and I am here for you, however you need me to be. Knowing Jesus, finding support in loved ones, and doing your best to climb out of this is all wonderful... but please don't beat yourself up when you find that these relationships and efforts don't always envelop you in light and joy. When you find those moments of peace, enjoy them to the fullest, and figure out what you've been doing and how you can continue to feel at ease. This fight is an uphill battle, but you can get through this. Remember that there are people who love and pray for you, even if you don't see them. I say all this, not as advice, because what works for me may not work for you.... but I say this to encourage you, to show you that there are ways to enjoy life again; you just have to find them. I have faith that you will! I look forward to hearing your success story, and I encourage you to share with others who may be hurting, so they may be inspired to find the light at the end of their tunnels.
One more thing.... and I stress this! Suicide is NEVER the answer. There is always hope, even when you can't see it. Don't be too ashamed to reach out for help. Find a loved one, a pastor, call a hotline.... do whatever you can to find value in your life. You ARE valuable, you ARE worthy of living a life of happiness, you ARE an important part of society, and you WOULD ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT DOUBT, be INCREDIBLY missed if you chose to end your life. So please, if you've gotten to the point of what you feel to be no return, please, please, please seek help. Each life is too precious, too fragile, too valuable to throw away.... don't let the darkness swallow you whole. Don't let it win. Choose LIFE. <3
Rest in peace, dear Robin. You were loved by many. You will always hold a special place in my heart.
This was me, doing my best to put on a happy face during one of my very darkest times. The torment isn't always visible. Always walk in love. Always.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Simple Homeschool Organization
I have had some homeschool newbies asking lots of questions lately about how this all works. I recently covered my plans for curriculum and programs for this upcoming year here. (Click on highlighted word to follow link.) Another big question is: how do I organize it all? I do things as simply as possible. With a couple quick, inexpensive purchases, and a bit of creative thinking on where to store your homeschool supplies, you can be well on your way to an organized, stress-free system.
Here's what I'm doing this year, and have loved in years past:
Here's what I'm doing this year, and have loved in years past:
I found these crates at Walmart for under $4.00 each
The key for our family is to have individual crates to store each child's supplies. The kids will pull out their own bins when it is time to start their school day. Last year we had baskets of shared crayons, markers, and the like, and we stored everyone's notebooks in the same drawer. While it worked well at first, things can get a bit messy... or lost that way. So we're back to our old system, and the kids couldn't be happier. We have designated our coat closet as our "homeschool closet" and everything will be out of sight when school is not in session.
Let me talk a bit about what these crates contain:
- Binders~ We will use these as portfolios for the school year. I feel better saving a good sampling of the work my children complete as "proof" if we need it, and also as a little memory book.
- Folders~ I have one pocket folder for each child. One side will contain the worksheets the kids need to complete each day, and the other pocket is for their finished work that I will correct/check each night. It's a great way to keep track. Folders always go back in the bins, so there's no losing them. We didn't follow this system last year, and our designated "turn in" spot wasn't always used by the younger munchkins. This will make it a bit easier on them, I think. For the kids who are able to work without assistance, I will also include an assignment sheet for each day, so they can tackle each subject and check off their completed work.
- Notebooks~ Each child has a notebook for written homework that doesn't come on a worksheet. As they fill their notebooks, I will replace them with a new one. This will cut down on all the loose papers I find around the house.
- Pencil Boxes~ These are to store the obvious... pencils... along with other writing/coloring supplies.
- Workbooks/Textbooks~ I will put the necessary books in their bins the night before they use them, so there is no searching when it is time to tackle a subject. We will do a couple subjects as a family and then do written work according to grade level, but for those subjects that are grade specific, this plan will help us get moving faster throughout the day.
- Art Supplies/Extras~ These are items they won't use every day, so if there is something they'll need for a certain project/assignment on any given day, I'll add those items to avoid searching once again.
So you see, when each child has everything they need for the day in a box, there are no excuses for delayed starts with every subject-change. Avoiding delays will cause us to zip through our school day faster so we can get on with personal interests, field trips, and family activities.
As far as record keeping goes, I have a teacher binder I put together that contains our school calender, a copy of our schedule, important school-related websites/passwords, attendance sheets, course of study worksheets, daily progress charts, field trip logs, a copy of the current homeschool laws for our state, and will include "report cards" or grade sheets for the kids that need them.
As far as record keeping goes, I have a teacher binder I put together that contains our school calender, a copy of our schedule, important school-related websites/passwords, attendance sheets, course of study worksheets, daily progress charts, field trip logs, a copy of the current homeschool laws for our state, and will include "report cards" or grade sheets for the kids that need them.
For teacher/mommy supplies and those items not stored in individual crates, I have a couple extra kitchen cupboards I use as storage. I'll probably purchase a couple clear plastic drawers for those items soon, so they can be stored in the homeschool closet with the rest of our supplies. These items are off limits until they are placed in the kids' crates. This prevents drama, excessive use, and giant messes.
As far as scheduling goes, we stick to a pretty basic schedule. I have a post on scheduling you can check out here. While we tweak our schedule here and there, the gist of it is the same. This might give you an idea of how to tackle your homeschool day.
I think that just about covers the gist of topics my friends and acquaintances have asked about. If you have questions that haven't been answered in this post, or the others I've shared with you, feel free to message me on Facebook or email me at As always, I am more than happy to talk schooling with you, but please remember, I keep things very simple.
If you are new to homeschooling this upcoming year, welcome to the family. To the seasoned schoolers, I wish you all the best as you teach, love on, and watch your children grow this year. Everyone have a blessed 2014/2015 school year!
I think that just about covers the gist of topics my friends and acquaintances have asked about. If you have questions that haven't been answered in this post, or the others I've shared with you, feel free to message me on Facebook or email me at As always, I am more than happy to talk schooling with you, but please remember, I keep things very simple.
If you are new to homeschooling this upcoming year, welcome to the family. To the seasoned schoolers, I wish you all the best as you teach, love on, and watch your children grow this year. Everyone have a blessed 2014/2015 school year!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Menu: Week 2
Hi guys! We're keeping it super simple this week. So simple that I don't even have links for recipes to send you. All the meals are self-explanatory. Nice, huh?! If you'd like to make any of these with a twist, or desire something a little more daring, check out my Pinterest page for some inspiration. I have lots of "Good Eats" boards and pins on there. :)
Terry Family Menu: Week 2
Breakfast Options:
*Fresh fruit is always available on the side.
~Toast & Fruit
~Fruit Smoothies (we blend fresh or frozen fruit with milk or water, spinach, and honey)
~Oatmeal & Fruit
~Eggs & Toast
Lunch Options:
*Fresh veggies and/or fruit served on the side.
~Deli Sandwiches or Wraps
~Cucumber Wraps
~PB&J Sandwiches
~Cheese & Veggie Platter
*Hot veggies or side salad served with each meal.
*We leave a couple days free for leftovers, meals out, or cookouts with friends.
~Pizza Subs - Check out Hayden's cooking show page The Simple Cooking Show to see his very own take on this recipe. He'll post his video sometime this week, so keep your eyes peeled!
~Spaghetti & Garlic Bread
~Taco Night
~Chicken & Rice
~Loaded Baked Potatoes
Snack Options this week:
~veggies and dip
~fresh fruit
Drinks: Water and the occasional glass of milk for the kids. :)
There's not much original thinking going on here, but it might spark an idea or two when you just don't know what to make for dinner. Happy eating, friends! :)
Just Feed the Babies
If you are a mom, you are most likely well aware of the huge breastfeeding debate. When I say this, I include all the intricately detailed side-debates that fit into this category. Just to get it out of the way, I will give you my opinion. Are ya ready?
I'm all about feeding your baby! Yep. As long as you're feeding your baby and caring for their needs, you are an awesome mama and you do not deserve to be guilted into doing things any other way. You can bottle feed or breastfeed and you are good people regardless of your choice.
I personally choose to nurse my babies, under a cover. Does that mean I'm going to give a glare and a snarl at a mom who chooses to nurse without a cover? No! If she's comfortable nursing without a cover, more power to her. As long as she isn't one of the few who let it all hang out like a porn star, she isn't bothering me one bit... and you know what? Most breastfeeding moms are so discreet, you don't even know they're feeding their babies.
My issue is the moms who try to make ME feel guilty for apparently "smothering" my baby with a blanket and taking away his/her much needed oxygen. Funny how my oxygen-deprived babies are all alive and well.... breathing, thinking, unaffected by that dreaded blanket I draped over them for the sake of my own comfort and modesty.
I am quite modest. Not as modest as some, much more modest than others. Yes, cleavage will pop out here and there, but usually by accident. I'm not one to run around in a bikini... and even when I had a more bikini-worthy body, I felt really uncomfortable and awkward in them. I like to be covered. I'm comfortable when I'm covered. So my decision to wear a nursing cover in public, or even in front of my own children, is purely based on my own contentment.
Nursing is natural and wonderful, and I am in no way ashamed of my choice because I use something to hide under while I'm doing it. I don't care who knows I'm nursing, and I realize it is quite obvious what's going on when that cover comes out, but I will not feel bad because I choose to do it this way.
I know people who nurse, uncovered, and are graceful, discreet, and absolute breastfeeding rockstars. More power to them! I wish I could float through life without fumbling around... but I'm just not that fluid in my movements. ;)
On to the bottle-feeding moms. I was one with my first baby. Nursing overwhelmed me and I lasted about four days. So I understand completely where these moms are coming from. They get more guilt from society than any of we breastfeeding mothers, and it is really sad to me. There could be a number of reasons they chose bottle over breast, and we shouldn't look down our noses at them. There are so many adoptive mothers out there. There are mothers who tried nursing, but were brought to tears over it. Some want to push past the hard parts, some would rather enjoy these new days of motherhood and not stress. To think less of them because they chose differently than us is mean.
Think of a time when you were talked down to, or were made to feel less than because you did something differently than someone else. It doesn't feel good, does it? I experience it all the time.... I homeschool, have tattoos, don't have a current church home, just to name a few. I've heard it all because of these choices, and it stings, even if I'm 100% confident in my reasoning behind these choices. So let's all remember that feeling next time we lovingly, or not-so-lovingly desire to tell someone they're doing it "wrong."
Parenthood is hard enough without outside voices bullying us. We have enough on our plates with raising our beautiful children. We don't need any more Mommy-Wars. Let's lift each other up, support each other, and love each other through this journey, rather than nit-picking all of these things that really just don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Have a happy, successful, love-filled day with your kids today, Moms. I'll be rooting for you!
I'm all about feeding your baby! Yep. As long as you're feeding your baby and caring for their needs, you are an awesome mama and you do not deserve to be guilted into doing things any other way. You can bottle feed or breastfeed and you are good people regardless of your choice.
I personally choose to nurse my babies, under a cover. Does that mean I'm going to give a glare and a snarl at a mom who chooses to nurse without a cover? No! If she's comfortable nursing without a cover, more power to her. As long as she isn't one of the few who let it all hang out like a porn star, she isn't bothering me one bit... and you know what? Most breastfeeding moms are so discreet, you don't even know they're feeding their babies.
My issue is the moms who try to make ME feel guilty for apparently "smothering" my baby with a blanket and taking away his/her much needed oxygen. Funny how my oxygen-deprived babies are all alive and well.... breathing, thinking, unaffected by that dreaded blanket I draped over them for the sake of my own comfort and modesty.
I am quite modest. Not as modest as some, much more modest than others. Yes, cleavage will pop out here and there, but usually by accident. I'm not one to run around in a bikini... and even when I had a more bikini-worthy body, I felt really uncomfortable and awkward in them. I like to be covered. I'm comfortable when I'm covered. So my decision to wear a nursing cover in public, or even in front of my own children, is purely based on my own contentment.
Nursing is natural and wonderful, and I am in no way ashamed of my choice because I use something to hide under while I'm doing it. I don't care who knows I'm nursing, and I realize it is quite obvious what's going on when that cover comes out, but I will not feel bad because I choose to do it this way.
I know people who nurse, uncovered, and are graceful, discreet, and absolute breastfeeding rockstars. More power to them! I wish I could float through life without fumbling around... but I'm just not that fluid in my movements. ;)
On to the bottle-feeding moms. I was one with my first baby. Nursing overwhelmed me and I lasted about four days. So I understand completely where these moms are coming from. They get more guilt from society than any of we breastfeeding mothers, and it is really sad to me. There could be a number of reasons they chose bottle over breast, and we shouldn't look down our noses at them. There are so many adoptive mothers out there. There are mothers who tried nursing, but were brought to tears over it. Some want to push past the hard parts, some would rather enjoy these new days of motherhood and not stress. To think less of them because they chose differently than us is mean.
Think of a time when you were talked down to, or were made to feel less than because you did something differently than someone else. It doesn't feel good, does it? I experience it all the time.... I homeschool, have tattoos, don't have a current church home, just to name a few. I've heard it all because of these choices, and it stings, even if I'm 100% confident in my reasoning behind these choices. So let's all remember that feeling next time we lovingly, or not-so-lovingly desire to tell someone they're doing it "wrong."
Parenthood is hard enough without outside voices bullying us. We have enough on our plates with raising our beautiful children. We don't need any more Mommy-Wars. Let's lift each other up, support each other, and love each other through this journey, rather than nit-picking all of these things that really just don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Have a happy, successful, love-filled day with your kids today, Moms. I'll be rooting for you!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Menu: Week 1
I'm starting something new here on the blog. I hope that you find it helpful, as I always appreciate good dinner ideas. I have used various free menu sites, such as as a base point in my menu planning in the past, and continue to check it out now and then while searching for ideas. Now that I've been menu planning for a while, I pick and choose various meals for my family and take advantage of cookbooks, websites, and of course Pinterest to provide delicious recipes for us to try.
I am a big fan of casseroles and one-dish dinners as you will see this week. I must have had a craving or two. ;) Here is what we'll be eating this week. Warning: This week's menu is neither vegetarian nor paleo-friendly, so if you're looking for inspiration, you'll have a LOT of tweaking to do! ;) Here's what we're eating... I'll include links and recipes at the end of our list. Enjoy!
Terry Family Menu: Week 1
Breakfast Options:
*Fresh fruit is always available as a side
~eggs & hashbrowns
~bacon, egg, cheese, & veggie tortillas
~oatmeal & fresh fruit
~pb toast and bananas
~cereal and fruit (added later due to incredible sales)
Lunch Options:
*We always serve fresh veggies and/or fruit on the side
~egg salad sandwiches or wraps
~cucumber wraps
~deli or pb&j sandwiches
*Hot veggies or side salad served with each meal
*I should note that I often leave 2 days menu-free for company, leftovers, those nights we don't feel like cooking, and for those times Jeff gets the urge to grill some grub. :)
~Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake
~Santa Fe Chili Casserole
~Rice, Bean, Broccoli, and Cheese Casserole
~Tater Tot Casserole
~Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Snack Options:
~fresh fruit
~veggies and dip
~string cheese
As far as drinks go, we push water like none other. The kids drink milk or orange juice occasionally.
This Week's Recipes:
Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake
Found on Pinterest (click the Pinterest link to reach the recipe)
Santa Fe Chili Casserole
Found on Hayden will be making this for his cooking show. Can't wait to try it! :)
Rice, Bean, Broccoli, & Cheese Casserole
I'm just throwing this casserole together. Eyeball your ingredients and add your favorite seasonings. :)
Tater Tot Casserole
Yes, I'm a Duggar Fan! Find the recipe on their website here.
Grilled Cheese & Soup
We opted for tomato soup this week. Find a recipe for that and other delicious soups on my Good Eats ~ Soups, Stews, & Chili board on Pinterest.
As you can see, we keep it simple, and really try to load the kids up on fruits and veggies as much as possible. Not every recipe we make is the healthiest thing out there, but we're big on enjoying food and making sure to eat the best we can while maintaining a palatable menu for the kids. I will do my best to keep up with my menu posts every week. If I fall behind, please forgive me. :)
I am a big fan of casseroles and one-dish dinners as you will see this week. I must have had a craving or two. ;) Here is what we'll be eating this week. Warning: This week's menu is neither vegetarian nor paleo-friendly, so if you're looking for inspiration, you'll have a LOT of tweaking to do! ;) Here's what we're eating... I'll include links and recipes at the end of our list. Enjoy!
Terry Family Menu: Week 1
Breakfast Options:
*Fresh fruit is always available as a side
~eggs & hashbrowns
~bacon, egg, cheese, & veggie tortillas
~oatmeal & fresh fruit
~pb toast and bananas
~cereal and fruit (added later due to incredible sales)
Lunch Options:
*We always serve fresh veggies and/or fruit on the side
~egg salad sandwiches or wraps
~cucumber wraps
~deli or pb&j sandwiches
*Hot veggies or side salad served with each meal
*I should note that I often leave 2 days menu-free for company, leftovers, those nights we don't feel like cooking, and for those times Jeff gets the urge to grill some grub. :)
~Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake
~Santa Fe Chili Casserole
~Rice, Bean, Broccoli, and Cheese Casserole
~Tater Tot Casserole
~Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup
Snack Options:
~fresh fruit
~veggies and dip
~string cheese
As far as drinks go, we push water like none other. The kids drink milk or orange juice occasionally.
This Week's Recipes:
Buffalo Chicken Pasta Bake
Found on Pinterest (click the Pinterest link to reach the recipe)
Santa Fe Chili Casserole
Found on Hayden will be making this for his cooking show. Can't wait to try it! :)
Rice, Bean, Broccoli, & Cheese Casserole
I'm just throwing this casserole together. Eyeball your ingredients and add your favorite seasonings. :)
Tater Tot Casserole
Yes, I'm a Duggar Fan! Find the recipe on their website here.
Grilled Cheese & Soup
We opted for tomato soup this week. Find a recipe for that and other delicious soups on my Good Eats ~ Soups, Stews, & Chili board on Pinterest.
As you can see, we keep it simple, and really try to load the kids up on fruits and veggies as much as possible. Not every recipe we make is the healthiest thing out there, but we're big on enjoying food and making sure to eat the best we can while maintaining a palatable menu for the kids. I will do my best to keep up with my menu posts every week. If I fall behind, please forgive me. :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Where God Leads
My son Hayden (12) recently went on his very first mission trip with my dad and a great group of people to West Virginia. There were many jobs to fill, and many blessings for the local people that week~ a sports camp for kids, all sorts of classes (i.e. sewing), deck building, you name it.
Hayden was placed exactly where his gifts lie. He helped in a computer class with a top-notch computer programmer, and he was even able to assist an executive chef (from a very successful, very expensive restaurant in Miami) with dinner one night. Two of his greatest loves were combined to not only bless his own socks off that week, but to in turn, bless others.
When we think of ministry, we often believe we must be outgoing public speakers, or that we must have talents of all sorts to do any good for anyone. I've missed the call several times because of my reservations, or my belief that I am lacking in some way. Hayden taught me an invaluable lesson through his experience: when God calls you to go, you go!
He had a bit of hesitation at first, not knowing what he was getting into, but that didn't stop him from obeying that call. He went, and in turn was blessed to serve in ways that fit his talents perfectly. Those of you who know Hayden know just how smart he is when it comes to computers and how creative he can be in the kitchen. God wanted his willing heart to be blessed and to be encouraged to continue doing His work. He showed Hayden what an incredible honor it can be to use our God-given gifts and talents for His kingdom.
He has memories and stories that will last him a lifetime. If he dismissed that call, he would have missed out on an incredibly pivotal moment in his life. He wouldn't have impacted the people he met and he wouldn't have learned the lessons he learned had he stayed home, in his comfort zone.
God might call some of us to minister in our home town. He may call some of us to go to the ends of the earth. He might ask you to go far beyond your comfort zone, or to minister right where you are, in your field of expertise. He will use your gifts, and He may ask you to go beyond your gifts at times. Will you listen? Will you go where He leads?
Don't miss out on great opportunities and experiences in life because you're not sure God has your best interest at heart. That is exactly what we're saying when we say "no" to Him.... that we think we know better. God always knows best and will never lead us astray. Follow His lead and you will impact the world, one person or thousands at a time, steering them toward His love and mercy.
Hayden was placed exactly where his gifts lie. He helped in a computer class with a top-notch computer programmer, and he was even able to assist an executive chef (from a very successful, very expensive restaurant in Miami) with dinner one night. Two of his greatest loves were combined to not only bless his own socks off that week, but to in turn, bless others.
When we think of ministry, we often believe we must be outgoing public speakers, or that we must have talents of all sorts to do any good for anyone. I've missed the call several times because of my reservations, or my belief that I am lacking in some way. Hayden taught me an invaluable lesson through his experience: when God calls you to go, you go!
He had a bit of hesitation at first, not knowing what he was getting into, but that didn't stop him from obeying that call. He went, and in turn was blessed to serve in ways that fit his talents perfectly. Those of you who know Hayden know just how smart he is when it comes to computers and how creative he can be in the kitchen. God wanted his willing heart to be blessed and to be encouraged to continue doing His work. He showed Hayden what an incredible honor it can be to use our God-given gifts and talents for His kingdom.
He has memories and stories that will last him a lifetime. If he dismissed that call, he would have missed out on an incredibly pivotal moment in his life. He wouldn't have impacted the people he met and he wouldn't have learned the lessons he learned had he stayed home, in his comfort zone.
God might call some of us to minister in our home town. He may call some of us to go to the ends of the earth. He might ask you to go far beyond your comfort zone, or to minister right where you are, in your field of expertise. He will use your gifts, and He may ask you to go beyond your gifts at times. Will you listen? Will you go where He leads?
Don't miss out on great opportunities and experiences in life because you're not sure God has your best interest at heart. That is exactly what we're saying when we say "no" to Him.... that we think we know better. God always knows best and will never lead us astray. Follow His lead and you will impact the world, one person or thousands at a time, steering them toward His love and mercy.
Grandfather and Grandson, safe at home after a life-changing week.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
By the Grace of God
Are you one of those people who is constantly learning the same lessons over and over and over again? No? Well, I am, and let me tell you... it is *grits teeth* so fun! I find myself taking one step forward and two steps back much of the time. Will I ever learn?
You would think that as much as I journal and blog and what have you, that I'd work through my hang-ups and be so on top of my life, but SURPRISE! I'm not. lol I have people message me, under the assumption that I've got my stuff together, and it's quite the shocker to know that I struggle just as much as the next guy. The bits of wisdom I have gained are from years of falling and getting back up, only to fall again. Much of the time, I don't listen to my own advice.
How do you get through life when you keep screwing it up for yourself? Five words: By the Grace of God! That's it. One lesson I've learned and know well is that it is nothing I do that brings success... it is everything God does. This realization has helped me by leaps and bounds.
I've been struggling in a couple areas a LOT lately, and thank the Lord I haven't been pounded to the ground by these issues. One struggle is my need to keep everyone happy. I've touched on this on my personal page quite a bit, and have received many notes of encouragement and tidbits of wisdom on how to bust through this hurdle. I want to be that listening ear, that friendly hug, and that bit of encouragement to everyone I come across, and sometimes I struggle to see when it's time to hand over the torch and let someone else (ahem, God) take the lead. Other people's problems often weigh heavy on me and I become no good to anyone. This isn't healthy at all. I need to be in a good place for my husband and children, and for myself. I'm still searching for that balance, and thankfully, by the Grace of God, I'm making progress, one step at a time.
Another example of one of my struggles is that I tend to shut down when I notice my failures. I am a pro at beating myself up when I am a less than perfect mother, wife, daughter, sister, or friend. I start to notice every little mistake I make and I all but give up. These incidents are few and far between, but when it happens, I am once again no good to anybody. I've had that moment recently, and while most would chalk it up to all the extra hormones flowing through me, I know better than to use my pregnancy as a scapegoat.
When I come up against these challenges, roadblocks, or mistakes, it is a big clue that I haven't been in the Word enough. It's a good sign that God has more work to do in me and I need to open up my heart to Him and hear what He has to share. I'm not saying life is perfect when I'm reading the Bible and spending time with Him every day, but it is most definitely clear when I'm not giving enough of my time to the One who loves me most.
So I'm challenging myself this month to strive at a deeper relationship with my Savior. I am going to set aside time every day to be still and just listen. I'm going to dig into the Word, worship more, praise Him more and allow Him to do a good work in me. If you'd like to do the same, I'd love to chat with you and find a way to keep each other accountable to our commitments.
I'm not usually so preachy sounding here on my blog... I try to make my posts relatable to everyone, even those who haven't had much exposure to Christ, but this is necessary for me, and I feel it is necessary for some of my friends. Don't worry, I don't have anyone specific in mind, so if this is speaking to you, you are safe... I haven't a clue! ;)
I want everyone I know to be blessed by Christ as I have been. The imperfections in my relationship with Him are all on me. He is never-changing. He is always there. He is absolutely perfect in every way, so any flaws that squeeze their way into our fellowship are my own doing. When I return to Him, He is always there with open arms. Have you felt a warmth in your core that has brought you to tears? I want that for you. Those good, cleansing tears... the ones you cry when you feel at home, when you finally feel at peace. That is what He gives me and so much more.
It is by God's grace that I am not only surviving this live here on earth, but thriving in this life. It is the Grace of God that holds my family together like glue. It is by the Grace of God that I can get up every morning, face the day, no matter what comes, and go to bed at night knowing I am loved and loved well.
If you want to know more about what God can do for you, and how a relationship with Him can change your life, crack open a Bible and start reading. You can always message me. I am an imperfect friend, but I will do my best to share what God has done for me, so that you in turn can have hope and encouragement to pursue a real, everlasting relationship with Him.
Be blessed and let God's love and grace wash over you as you walk through this imperfect life. Love you all!
You would think that as much as I journal and blog and what have you, that I'd work through my hang-ups and be so on top of my life, but SURPRISE! I'm not. lol I have people message me, under the assumption that I've got my stuff together, and it's quite the shocker to know that I struggle just as much as the next guy. The bits of wisdom I have gained are from years of falling and getting back up, only to fall again. Much of the time, I don't listen to my own advice.
How do you get through life when you keep screwing it up for yourself? Five words: By the Grace of God! That's it. One lesson I've learned and know well is that it is nothing I do that brings success... it is everything God does. This realization has helped me by leaps and bounds.
I've been struggling in a couple areas a LOT lately, and thank the Lord I haven't been pounded to the ground by these issues. One struggle is my need to keep everyone happy. I've touched on this on my personal page quite a bit, and have received many notes of encouragement and tidbits of wisdom on how to bust through this hurdle. I want to be that listening ear, that friendly hug, and that bit of encouragement to everyone I come across, and sometimes I struggle to see when it's time to hand over the torch and let someone else (ahem, God) take the lead. Other people's problems often weigh heavy on me and I become no good to anyone. This isn't healthy at all. I need to be in a good place for my husband and children, and for myself. I'm still searching for that balance, and thankfully, by the Grace of God, I'm making progress, one step at a time.
Another example of one of my struggles is that I tend to shut down when I notice my failures. I am a pro at beating myself up when I am a less than perfect mother, wife, daughter, sister, or friend. I start to notice every little mistake I make and I all but give up. These incidents are few and far between, but when it happens, I am once again no good to anybody. I've had that moment recently, and while most would chalk it up to all the extra hormones flowing through me, I know better than to use my pregnancy as a scapegoat.
When I come up against these challenges, roadblocks, or mistakes, it is a big clue that I haven't been in the Word enough. It's a good sign that God has more work to do in me and I need to open up my heart to Him and hear what He has to share. I'm not saying life is perfect when I'm reading the Bible and spending time with Him every day, but it is most definitely clear when I'm not giving enough of my time to the One who loves me most.
So I'm challenging myself this month to strive at a deeper relationship with my Savior. I am going to set aside time every day to be still and just listen. I'm going to dig into the Word, worship more, praise Him more and allow Him to do a good work in me. If you'd like to do the same, I'd love to chat with you and find a way to keep each other accountable to our commitments.
I'm not usually so preachy sounding here on my blog... I try to make my posts relatable to everyone, even those who haven't had much exposure to Christ, but this is necessary for me, and I feel it is necessary for some of my friends. Don't worry, I don't have anyone specific in mind, so if this is speaking to you, you are safe... I haven't a clue! ;)
I want everyone I know to be blessed by Christ as I have been. The imperfections in my relationship with Him are all on me. He is never-changing. He is always there. He is absolutely perfect in every way, so any flaws that squeeze their way into our fellowship are my own doing. When I return to Him, He is always there with open arms. Have you felt a warmth in your core that has brought you to tears? I want that for you. Those good, cleansing tears... the ones you cry when you feel at home, when you finally feel at peace. That is what He gives me and so much more.
It is by God's grace that I am not only surviving this live here on earth, but thriving in this life. It is the Grace of God that holds my family together like glue. It is by the Grace of God that I can get up every morning, face the day, no matter what comes, and go to bed at night knowing I am loved and loved well.
If you want to know more about what God can do for you, and how a relationship with Him can change your life, crack open a Bible and start reading. You can always message me. I am an imperfect friend, but I will do my best to share what God has done for me, so that you in turn can have hope and encouragement to pursue a real, everlasting relationship with Him.
Be blessed and let God's love and grace wash over you as you walk through this imperfect life. Love you all!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Quality Friendships
I don't know about you, but as time marches on, I feel more and more pressured by many of the "friendships" I have. It seems these days that it is no longer about quality friendships and those bonds you form with people, but about what you can do for them. It's more about the stuff, the money, the status of it all. It's more about how you can make them look like the raddest, prettiest, most fantastic person on the planet.
Don't get me wrong, I still have a handful of friendships that are the real deal. I appreciate those women more than they will ever know. I find though, that as soon as you decide to stop showering people with gifts, or stop buying every little trinket from home parties or Facebook parties, those friends start slipping away. Which, in all reality, is the best thing for us. Do we really want to hold on to synthetic friendships when we can have organic, real, genuine relationships with people?
As a side note, I realize that being involved with an at home "business" of sorts might make some of my friends feel pressured. I don't want that at all! Not at all! I am promoting something I believe in and something that I feel can help my friends and their families, but I don't hold it against someone when they choose to take another route, and I certainly don't want anyone to feel like they need to buy my products in order to keep me happy. I love my friends regardless of those petty pressures we so often put ourselves under. Buy what you like, don't buy what you don't, and just hang out with me when you can. Isn't that how it should be?
I've noticed that I've become a bit more introverted over the years... much to my family's benefit. I don't put so much effort and so many of my feelings into friendships that have no value. I have more energy and happy feelings to put into my family. Not to say that I don't have my bad days or weeks, but overall, since I decided that it's far more about the quality of my friendships, rather than the quantity of friends I have, I have become much, much more content.
I've slowly been putting forth more effort into friendships again, and with that comes both the good and the bad. Unfortunately, many people still see their friends as numbers, and not so much as individuals that can bring something of substance into their lives.
While I'm not the best friend on the planet, I do care about my friends... even when I can't always physically be there or financially support their ventures. I'm more of the kind of friend who focuses on "heart" matters, rather than surface stuff. Need to talk something out? I'm your gal! Want to enjoy a laid back night with my family and some good grilled food? You've come to the right place! Want me to shower you with gifts and extravagant trips? Sorry... you'll have to keep looking.
Energy drainers, selfishness, and people who care only about their image suck the life right out of me and I just don't have it in me to pretend anymore. I will be kind to all, I will love most everyone I come into contact with, but most people will be loved from a distance at this point. I'm finally at a point where I can feel comfortable with that. I'm finally at a point where I don't need to attempt to keep everyone I know happy.
I've had many supporters and teachers along the way who have helped me come to this new-ish way of thinking. My parents, in-laws, husband (he is the king of setting the right priorities in life), my sister-in law, and the list goes on. I appreciate that these people have been so patient with me over the years, and that they never gave up on me or saw me as a lost cause. They saw that I am a sensitive person who picks up on other people's feelings quite easily, and they saw that I needed to fine tune my "gift", so to speak, so that it would no longer be a curse as well. I have a long way to go, but when I look back and see how far I've come, I am happy that I have made great progress.
Life can be so difficult. We think it's hard when we're teens, but it only gets tougher as we age... especially as our children start nearing those teenage years. I want to be that good example of balance for my kids. I want to show them how to be kind to others without allowing them to walk all over them. I want them to know that they and their dad are my top priorities, and that while friendships are important, family always comes first.
I am still so new to getting this right that I don't have words of wisdom to share, other than the experiences I've had. It's a never-ending battle, but I am winning, bit by bit, as I reach for my goal of being pleasing to God, my husband, and my children, first and foremost.
If you're fighting a similar battle today, or a battle of any sort at all, know that you are in my prayers and that I am cheering you on! Focus on your family and those friends who bring quality benefits and goodness into your life, who you can bless in the same way... not in the materialistic sense, but in the spiritual, emotional way. Be blessed, friends. Know that the Lord is fighting the good fight with you and he's holding your hand as you navigate your way through this confusing and adventurous life.
Don't get me wrong, I still have a handful of friendships that are the real deal. I appreciate those women more than they will ever know. I find though, that as soon as you decide to stop showering people with gifts, or stop buying every little trinket from home parties or Facebook parties, those friends start slipping away. Which, in all reality, is the best thing for us. Do we really want to hold on to synthetic friendships when we can have organic, real, genuine relationships with people?
As a side note, I realize that being involved with an at home "business" of sorts might make some of my friends feel pressured. I don't want that at all! Not at all! I am promoting something I believe in and something that I feel can help my friends and their families, but I don't hold it against someone when they choose to take another route, and I certainly don't want anyone to feel like they need to buy my products in order to keep me happy. I love my friends regardless of those petty pressures we so often put ourselves under. Buy what you like, don't buy what you don't, and just hang out with me when you can. Isn't that how it should be?
I've noticed that I've become a bit more introverted over the years... much to my family's benefit. I don't put so much effort and so many of my feelings into friendships that have no value. I have more energy and happy feelings to put into my family. Not to say that I don't have my bad days or weeks, but overall, since I decided that it's far more about the quality of my friendships, rather than the quantity of friends I have, I have become much, much more content.
I've slowly been putting forth more effort into friendships again, and with that comes both the good and the bad. Unfortunately, many people still see their friends as numbers, and not so much as individuals that can bring something of substance into their lives.
While I'm not the best friend on the planet, I do care about my friends... even when I can't always physically be there or financially support their ventures. I'm more of the kind of friend who focuses on "heart" matters, rather than surface stuff. Need to talk something out? I'm your gal! Want to enjoy a laid back night with my family and some good grilled food? You've come to the right place! Want me to shower you with gifts and extravagant trips? Sorry... you'll have to keep looking.
Energy drainers, selfishness, and people who care only about their image suck the life right out of me and I just don't have it in me to pretend anymore. I will be kind to all, I will love most everyone I come into contact with, but most people will be loved from a distance at this point. I'm finally at a point where I can feel comfortable with that. I'm finally at a point where I don't need to attempt to keep everyone I know happy.
I've had many supporters and teachers along the way who have helped me come to this new-ish way of thinking. My parents, in-laws, husband (he is the king of setting the right priorities in life), my sister-in law, and the list goes on. I appreciate that these people have been so patient with me over the years, and that they never gave up on me or saw me as a lost cause. They saw that I am a sensitive person who picks up on other people's feelings quite easily, and they saw that I needed to fine tune my "gift", so to speak, so that it would no longer be a curse as well. I have a long way to go, but when I look back and see how far I've come, I am happy that I have made great progress.
Life can be so difficult. We think it's hard when we're teens, but it only gets tougher as we age... especially as our children start nearing those teenage years. I want to be that good example of balance for my kids. I want to show them how to be kind to others without allowing them to walk all over them. I want them to know that they and their dad are my top priorities, and that while friendships are important, family always comes first.
I am still so new to getting this right that I don't have words of wisdom to share, other than the experiences I've had. It's a never-ending battle, but I am winning, bit by bit, as I reach for my goal of being pleasing to God, my husband, and my children, first and foremost.
If you're fighting a similar battle today, or a battle of any sort at all, know that you are in my prayers and that I am cheering you on! Focus on your family and those friends who bring quality benefits and goodness into your life, who you can bless in the same way... not in the materialistic sense, but in the spiritual, emotional way. Be blessed, friends. Know that the Lord is fighting the good fight with you and he's holding your hand as you navigate your way through this confusing and adventurous life.
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