Life, Family, the Heart of Me: Just Feed the Babies

~Our Family~

~Our Family~

Friday, August 1, 2014

Just Feed the Babies

    If you are a mom, you are most likely well aware of the huge breastfeeding debate.  When I say this, I include all the intricately detailed side-debates that fit into this category.  Just to get it out of the way, I will give you my opinion.  Are ya ready?

    I'm all about feeding your baby!  Yep.  As long as you're feeding your baby and caring for their needs, you are an awesome mama and you do not deserve to be guilted into doing things any other way.  You can bottle feed or breastfeed and you are good people regardless of your choice.

    I personally choose to nurse my babies, under a cover.  Does that mean I'm going to give a glare and a snarl at a mom who chooses to nurse without a cover?  No!  If she's comfortable nursing without a cover, more power to her.  As long as she isn't one of the few who let it all hang out like a porn star, she isn't bothering me one bit... and you know what?  Most breastfeeding moms are so discreet, you don't even know they're feeding their babies.

    My issue is the moms who try to make ME feel guilty for apparently "smothering" my baby with a blanket and taking away his/her much needed oxygen.  Funny how my oxygen-deprived babies are all alive and well.... breathing, thinking, unaffected by that dreaded blanket I draped over them for the sake of my own comfort and modesty.

    I am quite modest.  Not as modest as some, much more modest than others.  Yes, cleavage will pop out here and there, but usually by accident. I'm not one to run around in a bikini... and even when I had a more bikini-worthy body, I felt really uncomfortable and awkward in them.  I like to be covered.  I'm comfortable when I'm covered.  So my decision to wear a nursing cover in public, or even in front of my own children, is purely based on my own contentment.

    Nursing is natural and wonderful, and I am in no way ashamed of my choice because I use something to hide under while I'm doing it.  I don't care who knows I'm nursing, and I realize it is quite obvious what's going on when that cover comes out, but I will not feel bad because I choose to do it this way.

    I know people who nurse, uncovered, and are graceful, discreet, and absolute breastfeeding rockstars.  More power to them!  I wish I could float through life without fumbling around... but I'm just not that fluid in my movements.  ;)

    On to the bottle-feeding moms.  I was one with my first baby.  Nursing overwhelmed me and I lasted about four days.  So I understand completely where these moms are coming from.  They get more guilt from society than any of we breastfeeding mothers, and it is really sad to me.  There could be a number of reasons they chose bottle over breast, and we shouldn't look down our noses at them.  There are so many adoptive mothers out there.  There are mothers who tried nursing, but were brought to tears over it.  Some want to push past the hard parts, some would rather enjoy these new days of motherhood and not stress.  To think less of them because they chose differently than us is mean.

    Think of a time when you were talked down to, or were made to feel less than because you did something differently than someone else.  It doesn't feel good, does it?  I experience it all the time.... I homeschool, have tattoos, don't have a current church home, just to name a few.  I've heard it all because of these choices, and it stings, even if I'm 100% confident in my reasoning behind these choices.  So let's all remember that feeling next time we lovingly, or not-so-lovingly desire to tell someone they're doing it "wrong."

    Parenthood is hard enough without outside voices bullying us.  We have enough on our plates with raising our beautiful children.  We don't need any more Mommy-Wars.  Let's lift each other up, support each other, and love each other through this journey, rather than nit-picking all of these things that really just don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

   Have a happy, successful, love-filled day with your kids today, Moms.  I'll be rooting for you!



  1. Yay! We need to be hearing more about this and less whining and complaining from others who do things differently! I agree with you! As long as our babies are fed, happy and healthy, it's the parent's decision on how to feed their babies! I wish others knew how to love genuinely like Jesus did! Thanks for another great blog Em!
