Life, Family, the Heart of Me: April 2015

~Our Family~

~Our Family~

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This Too Shall Pass

    The past couple days have been.... hard.  We all have those days, right?  Days that seem to throw everything at you and take nothing in return.  Days that aim to kill your spirit and leave you to clean up the mess.

    I've got hard choices to make, and I'm realizing that these difficult days will probably continue until I come to a decision.  It has been affecting my mood, which in turn has put quite the damper on my whole family.  The kids are behaving in a less than stellar way, our daily groove has faltered, and things just seem to stink in general.

    I decided to take a break from "the world," so to speak.  I'm taking today to just be with my family, do as little work as possible without letting things pile up, pray my little heart out, and journal the crap outta my feelings.

    I chose to hop on this incredible blog put out by the equally incredible leaders of my team this morning.  I don't hop on there every day, but today it was just meant to be.  I came across a post about staying motivated.  I haven't felt a lack of motivation when it comes to my business, but I have definitely felt a lack in other areas of my life, so I checked it out.  It was a great article.  Very motivating. ;)  I felt inspired.  I felt prompted to jump on the things I'd been neglecting.  I wanted to seize the day.  It was a great blog post.

    Then I came to the end.  I saw those four little words we all often see ~ "this too shall pass."  Today, those words meant a little more to me than they normally do.  Today, those words gave me hope and peace.  Sometimes those cliché sayings can really hit home, no matter how often you've heard them.

    This choice I must make will be made.  This burden I feel will be lifted.  These stressful days will fade away.  This too shall pass.

    If you're like me, and you find yourself facing rough waters, find comfort in those words.  Find comfort in these as well ~

"...Weeping may endure for a night,
                                     But joy comes in the morning."
(Psalm 30:5b)

    As I work through the things that weigh me down today, I'll be keeping you in my prayers as well.  The beauty of walking through this life full of good and hard days is that we don't have to walk alone.  Reach out to someone for comfort and guidance when you don't know what to do.  Turn to God and see what he says about your situation in His Word.  Use the abundant resources He has placed in your life to help you walk through your trials with your head held high and your spirit in tact.  Love to you all! 

~ Em